by Belt Technologies | Feb 10, 2020 | Blog
Arigatou Gozaimasu (thank you) for taking the opportunity to read this blog entry. We’re excited to make our 6th appearance at the Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo, or M-Tech, alongside our partner, Nihon Kizai Limited, in—you guessed it—Japan....
by Belt Technologies | Feb 18, 2019 | Blog
In recent months, the food processing industry has dealt with a slew of product recalls. While some of these recalls were due to bacterial contaminants that spread through poorly inspected product, other recalls have been initiated due to product contamination by...
by Belt Technologies | Jun 5, 2018 | Blog
Recently, a customer from a previous project contacted Belt Technologies with a problem. Our engineers had provided them with a conveyor belt for the production of electrical connectors. Unfortunately, they were experiencing issues with the belt after it was installed...
by Belt Technologies | Jan 3, 2018 | Blog
Stainless steel conveyor belts, timing belts, and drive tapes can be found in some of the most innovative automation technologies of our time. The versatility and durability of stainless steel make it an ideal material choice for a variety of industries. Belts and...
by Belt Technologies | Dec 18, 2017 | Blog
Belt tracking is accomplished by increasing or decreasing the tension on one edge of the belt in relation to the other edge. It is a process similar to tensioning the belt during installation. If the tension on one side of the belt is too high, the belt will begin...